Mary Bate
Shakespeare’s Peddler
“Mary stitched her sampler in 1796, and it has a wonderful verse about education!!! The colors are so pretty (springy/dusty summery). I recommend Needlepoint Silks, Silk N Colours and Gloriana silks, but a DMC conversion is provided. 40 count Espresso by R&R Reproductions or 40 count Vintage Light Exemplar by Lakeside Linens would be lovely for this sampler.
Here is the verse:
The human soul without Education
is like marble in the quarry which shows
none of its inherent beauties until
the skill of the Polisher fethes out
the colours makes the surface shine
and discovers every ornamental cloud
spot and vein that runs through the
body of it. Education after the same
manner when it works upon the mind
draws out to view every latent virtue
and perfection which without such
helps are never able to make their
Keep such company as you may im
prove or that may improve you and
if you or your companions cannot
make one another better rather leave
than grow worse by them.
Her Work In The Year Of
Our Lord 1796 B. Oct. 29 ’83
Strait School”