Elizabeth Hicks 1745 – Scarlet Letter


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Elizabeth Hicks 1745: An English Sampler

Scarlet Letter

This beautiful. petite, energetic sampler expressed three fine verses and, at the end, one of the truest “signatures” I’ve ever read on a piece of needlework:

By this ingenous Maids
may see what by the
needl wrought
may be

How true, to this very day.

The three verses on the sampler are separated by floral and geometric pattern bands executed in cross and counted satin stitches. The color on the front of the sampler is very nearly as bright as the back.

Here are the great verses:

Make much of precious Time while in your Power
Be careful well to husband ev’ry hour:
For Time Will come When you shall sore lament
The unhappy Minutes that you have misspent
If you desire to worship God aright
First in the Morning pray, and last at Night.
Crave for his Blessing on your Labours all.
And in Distress for his Assistance call.
Return the Kindness that you receive
As far as your Ability gives leave:
Nothing is more unmannerly and rude
Than that vile Temper of Ingratitude.

Elizabeth Hicks ended her sampler on the 20th of July, 1745, when she was fourteen years old.